Space: to preserve peace or prevent war?


Barring health hazards, the “Defence & Aerospace” chair is organising an exceptional symposium on 8 October 2020 at Sciences Po Bordeaux entitled L’espace : y préserver la paix ou prévenir la guerre ? (Space: to preserve peace or prevent war?).

In the context of the assertion of space, now recognized as a new operational domain, the aim of this symposium will be to debate the conflict in space in the 21st century. Organized on the basis of high-level presentations, it will provide an opportunity to review the politico-legal context specific to sovereignty actions in space, to understand the evolution of space defence activities which are set to develop in the vicinity of the Earth with the emergence of new breakthrough technologies, and to offer an analysis of the strategic posture of the main space powers.

The event will be attended by senior French and international officials (European Union, NATO, Ministry of the Armed Forces, ESA, CNES, CNRS, Universities and Research Centres) as well as civilian and military experts and researchers from several countries.